Original Designs by Alexa Vander Wyst
VW Shapes banner.png



Alexa Vander Wyst of Vander Wyst Design

Hi, I’m Alexa, a creative visual designer inspired by bold voices and great passions. I want to take your ideas and create an environment for them to come to life and connect with the world. I love learning about how people think about art and react to visual experiences, which helps me design compelling content for specific audiences. Color, typography, photo manipulation, and illustration are all in my toolkit for building a strong message.

My experience ranges from garment design at my college job at an embroidery shop to WordPress web design with a development team. In each position, I learn new ways to implement brand elements and create a more cohesive identity for my clients. I enjoy creating original logos and brand guidelines, and there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing everything working together accross digital and phsyical media.

My maiden name Vander Wyst derives from the Dutch surname van der Wijst. Though my last name has changed, I contuinue to pay homage to my Dutch heritage through my design business. I’m inspired by Dutch typographers and graphic designers who pushed the limits of commercial design and brought creative new perspectives to print.

I grew up in a little town in Northeast Wisconsin, but after attending Northern Michigan University, I decided Michigan was the best place to be. Now I live on the shore of Lake Superior with my husband and two kitties. Here, we’re surrounded by natural wonders, and my favorite activities take me out into the wilderness, like hiking, biking, and skiing.