Original Designs by Alexa Vander Wyst
MMSCN Vander Wyst Design project banner.jpg

MMSCN rebrand + web design

The Michigan Math and Science Centers Network (MMSCN) provides leadership, curriculum support, professional development, and student services to educators in local school districts. When they came to 906 Technologies, their website was outdated and overflowing with unorganized resources. After working with the MMSCN team to discover their brand goals for the website, we realized that their logo was also in desperate need of an upgrade. I focused in on the Network’s purpose, goals, and audience to create designs that embraced their redefined brand. With the support of the software department at 906 Technologies, I designed an experience that renewed this brand and brought the MMSCN’s domain into the modern age of web design.

Craft CMS for MMSCN website

Craft CMS

With the Craft Content Management System, 906 Technologies was able to give MMSCN control over their content from header to footer. Once I had developed most of the site in HTML/CSS, I used Twig, a special templating engine, to create custom fields. These fields can now be filled and edited in the admin portal to update headers, menus, images, and more.

About Us page

To reflect the Network’s enthusiasm and passion for STEM education, the About Us page needed to be especially engaging. Photo elements and parallax effects made this page visually interesting and inviting to read. This page gives MMSCN an inspiring new look and a tool to connect with their audience.

Locations Map

An important request from MMSCN was a user-friendly map of their Center locations. With the help of front-end developers, I created an SVG map with jquery-based interactivity that provides an effortless way for users to find information for their local Math and Science Center.

Logo Design

Before even the earliest sketches, I took time to ask the MMSCN members important questions about their branding goals and audience. We identified the faults of their previous logo, and discussed ways to avoid the same faults in our new logo, including an updated color scheme and typography that is legible at a smaller scale. The final MMSCN logo is easy to read with clear symbols to represent each of the STEM subjects. It incorporates the ideas of community and connection with the image of a bridge. The bridge also represents a proud Michigan monument, the Mackinac Bridge, which connects the upper and lower peninsulas.